Monday, April 23, 2007

Flying high

my favorite toy... the remote control. I love it!

I'm a model

Here I am modeling my mommy's Olive and Ollie bibs. Aren't I cute!?!

my sister shares her toys with me

My sister Rosemary loves me so much that she shares her toys with me. Even her favorite toy in the whole world...her blue bone!

a day at the Mound

on Friday the weather was so nice that my parents took me to the Miamisburg Mound. I also got to swing in my first big boy swing all by myself!

The Miamisburg Mound is the largest conical burial mound in United States and archaeological investigations suggest that it was constructed by the prehistoric Adena Indians (800 BC - AD 100). It was built on a 100-foot-high bluff and at more than 70 feet high, it measures 877 feet in circumference...what a wonderfull view from the top!

this photo was taken from dad didn't think to take a picture of it...

the Big Game Hunter

...while on safari in Africa I came across the biggest lion and poison tree frog I had ever seen...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Look what I made

I painted this for my mommy's birthday (my daddy helped me a little). Didn't I do a great job? My mommy loves it!

Happy Easter!

My first Easter! I got a lot of great things from the Easter bunny!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I got my picture taken today...

...and I didn't really want to smile. I was a little tired since I didn't want to take a nap (not that I ever do) but I had fun. I liked the bunny!